IUNIVERSI presents itself as a model of alternative structure whose components function as a whole, toward a common goal, through the application of systems that allow for joint advancement. The greatest sustainable competitive advantage for
IUNIVERSI is its ability to learn faster than competitors.
IUNIVERSI, transforming information into knowledge (organizational learning) aims to improve productivity and dynamism indices that the organization requires.
This company is the conjunction of two visions: corporate education with distance learning or eLearning training courses, and traditional university education with in-person undergraduate and graduate programs.
These are just a few words to describe what happened in those years. Countless hours of work passed, during which ideas were generated and put into practice, becoming the foundation of what
IUNIVERSI is today.
Our current vision includes something we are writing down for the first time: enjoying what you do and, above all, using your time to enjoy your life. Our focus is on serving people. We want the people around us to have economic prosperity and what we call Integral Health, consisting of three parts:
- 1) Physical health
- 2) Emotional health
- 3) Financial health